To add HTML code to your Mobirise website, you will have to purchase a 3rd party extension.
1. First, you need to copy the widget’s HTML code. There are several methods to do so.
Method 1: From the Widget’s Editor
Once you’ve saved your widget, at the top right corner, to the left of the “preview” button, you will see the “Add to Website” button, represented by the “</>” symbol. Click on it.
Then, in the window that opens up, you will see the code. Simply click on the copy button next to it.
Method 2: From the Dashboard
From your user dashboard, find the widget you want to add to your website from within the “Widgets” tab. Next to it, and under the “Actions” heading (on the right side), you will see a purple button with “Add to Site” on it. Click on it.
A window will pop up, and here, simply click on the copy button next to the code to copy it.
2. First, purchase the 3rd party extension and install it.
Source: Mobirise
3. After having installed it, find a page block you’d like to edit. The option to edit code should be visible on the editing toolbar. Click on it.
Source: Mobirise
4. A new window will come up. Paste the code you’ve copied before to the HTML field and save it. That’s it. You should see Common Ninja’s app on your page.
Source: Mobirise
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