At Common Ninja, we provide the ability to share your widgets with users through customizable share links.
Please Note: We are in the process of adding this feature to all of our widgets. However, some widgets might not have this feature yet. Before proceeding, follow steps 1 and 2 to ensure your widget supports this feature.
To customize your share link’s URL follow these steps:
- Locate the "Add to Website" icon at the top right corner of the editor and click on it.
A popup window will appear. Find the "Share Your Widget" section, which contains your widget’s preview URL.
- Within this section, click on the pencil icon located within the link field to edit your link URL.
- An input field will appear, allowing you to type the desired link name. After entering your custom link name, click the "Save" button to apply the changes.
That's it! You can now copy the newly customized link and share it with your users (:
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