Widgets such as Forms, Quizz, Booking, and others, allow users to make submissions.
If you are interested in sending them confirmation emails, confirming that their submissions have been successfully submitted, follow these steps:
Navigate to your widget’s editor, and locate the “Notifications” tab.
Within this tab, locate the “Confirmation email for users” section, and enable it. This will open a new set of settings.
- From here, you can set the notification details:
- Sender’s name: Specify the name that will appear as the sender of the email.
- Reply-to mail: Enter the needed email address where users can send replies.
- Email subject line: Customize a subject line that reflects the title of the email.
- Message: Select the content of the email. Note that some widgets offer dynamic parameters (e.g. [PARAMETER_NAME]) that automatically populate with the user’s submission data. Make sure to use these parameters as provided in the editor.
And that's it! Once you've set up all the necessary information, each time a user submits an entry, they will receive an email containing all the pertinent details. This ensures an easy communication process between you and your users.
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